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The Serial Killers Wife

The Serial Killers Wife by Alice Hunter Mystery, Thriller, Fiction 384 pages 4/5 stars Synopsis:

Every marriage has its secrets…

Beth and Tom Hardcastle are the envy of their neighbourhood – they have the perfect marriage, the perfect house, the perfect family.

When the police knock on their door one evening, Beth panics. Tom should be back from work by now – what if he’s crashed his car? She fears the worst.

But the worst is beyond imagining.

As the interrogation begins, Beth will find herself questioning everything she believed about her husband.


Firstly, thank you so much to NetGalley and Avon Books for allowing me an advanced reader copy for an honest review in return 😊

I have not read a thriller in a while and this book reminded me how much I love them! It was such an exciting read and I always love different POV’s in a thriller book... it added to the tension well. Hunters writing style was great and I loved how certain chapters ended - I was flying through each page to find out more!

Due to the title of this book I was worried it was going to be a little predictable however there were definitely some twists and turns! It’s also true what they say... you never know what’s going on behind closed doors 👀

This is a quick and suspenseful read and if you’re a fan of thrillers like myself... I’d recommend picking this one up! It’s out 27th May, add it to your TBR! 😊👏🏻


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